Guideline for Reviewers


Please consider the following items while reviewing:


  1. Does the manuscript have a novelty?
  2. Do the authors state the study's aims clearly?
  3. Is the study design appropriate to the stated aims?
  4. Does the study rationale/justification have clarity for conducting?
  5. Does the manuscript/study adhere to relevant reporting guideline(s)?
  6. Does the writing have clarity and logic (i.e., does not impede scientific meaning or cause confusion)?
  7. Do the manuscript of the same type (e.g., original research) follow a consistent structure, outlined in the instructions for authors?
  8. Does the abstract provide a complete and accurate description of the content of the manuscript?
  9. Are the methods described in sufficient detail so that the experiment could be reproduced?
  10. Do the statistical analysis of the data have accuracy?
  11. Do the ethics and data availability statements are complete?
  12. Are the figures and tables well-annotated and easy to read and interpret?
  13. Does the discussion section have comprehension?
  14. Does the study have any limitations that have been mentioned?
  15. Do the conclusions support the data?
  16. Do the references have the appropriate number?
  17. Do the statements support appropriately by parenthetical citations?